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So ... that happened
December 27, 2011
Well, in the end, that year worked out a lot better than those that immediately preceded it.
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January Magazine
December 21, 2011
I'm extremely grateful to the folks at January magazine for naming "The Great White Bear" as one of the best non-fiction books of 2011. In a glowing review, India Wilson wrote that, "Arguably, Mulvaney is well on his way to being one of the ranking conservation writers of his generation. He writes alternately with joy and like his heart is bleeding and, in his passion, he carries us along." Wow. Thank you very much indeed. Read More
December 7, 2011

"Ice Bear," the UK edition of my book (same book, different title, different cover) is coming out in paperback on January 5. I received my complimentary copies yesterday. It looks great; please buy 20. Or more.
Since I've been gone
December 2, 2011
I know, I know, it's been a while. All is well, but the workload has been somewhat extreme. This is, of course, a good thing - better than having insufficient work, certainly - but only if I do what I need to do before the deadline by which I have to do it. And that, my friends, is going to be a close shave. It'll take me up until the Christmas vacation, I'm afraid, and at that point, I'll come up for air ... Read More